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Showing posts from December, 2017

First Post- Philosophy of Matrimony And Success

While this is a Catholic Blog, following the Traditional Magisterial Teaching when it comes to the subject of marriage, children, and economics, it is also intended as a curriculum intended for 21st century Catholics living in Post-Protestant America.  As such, while it will draw heavily on the references and church documents listed below, there will also be a discussion of home economics, centered around the often lost, but always true, success formula for American Capitalism: The Success Formula, modified for Catholic Teaching and with a couple of other steps, is this: Get your education- finish school. Date/Get a Job/Start a Business (if you have a wealthy relative, that last) Get Engaged/if to a non Catholic, RCIA/Pre-marital Counseling (hopefully using this cirriculum!) Find and buy a house Get Married Have sex (without contraception) and kids Never get divorced. 93% of couples who achieve these seven steps in this order in the United States, regardless of family or